"Recently I fished an area that was heavily treed. I brought in a spinning combo and a nine foot fly rod. The fly rod, in two pieces, was held with The Rod Buddy™. By the time I reached the creeks, the spinning rod had caught trees, breaking the tips off. The fly rod, held by The Rod Buddy™, saved my trip...and some nice trout made the trip home with me."
Kevin R. Stone Sr., Springfield, ON
"A welcome addition to any tackle box...works well within the confines of a small boat. My partner was still untangling his gear when I caught my first first!"
I carried my rods 1100 miles in my truck. When I was ready to fish, I snapped The Rod Buddy™ from my rods and started fishing. There was no messy, tangled lines."
Richard J. Walter, Quincy, MA
Clifford J. Lashlev, Louisville, KY
"After years of using a rubber band, these are great. This is the kind of product that you wonder why is wasn't invented sooner."
"Both sizes worked beautifully by holding the 2-piece rods together with the reel still mounted...I recommend it to anyone."
Jim McLaughlin, Baltimore, MD
Col. V.L. Brazil, Houston, TX
"I'm a truck fisherman. I keep my poles in the truck and they get tangled...sometimes so bad, that I just give up and don't fish. Thanks to Rod Buddy™, I fish at every hole, and I get to fish faster."
"Using The Rod Buddy™ enabled me to leave my rods rigged with my favorite lures while traveling. Once I got to the lake I was able to begin fishing right away. The Rod Buddy™ is a must!"
Jimmie Gonzalez, Sacramento, CA
Steven G. Brown, Arworth, GA
"My larger spinning rod accompanied me into the in the interior of British Columbia. After more that 1800 kilometers, most on washed out logging roads, The Rod Buddy™ performed very well indeed. It's inexpensive insurance for your valuable fishing rod."
"I found The Rod Buddy™ to be simple to use and a great time saver. The lines were never tangled...the rods held by The Rod Buddy™ didn't separate, even in rough water. No fisherman should be without this convenient device."
Brain Grouhel, Ladysmith, BC
Allen Armer, Harrison, AR
"I'm in the National Guard and when I travel I always bring my rods with me. I'm sure The Rod Buddy™ will be a great asset to my upcoming trip to Wisconsin - especially on a C130 aircraft!"
"The Rod Buddy™ is the perfect cure for eliminating damaged rods, tangled lines and cumbersome transport. I've been waiting for this...I can use The Rod Buddy™ year round."
William Watson, Ocean Springs, MS
Dr. Alan H. Jacobs, Adlento, CA
"The Rod Buddy™ is small enough to carry in your tackle box, but strong enough to breakdown even our largest two-piece fishing rods. From my smallest ultralite, to my saltwater rods, I highly recommend this product."
"I used The Rod Buddy™ on a spinning rod and muscle rod which were placed in the bottom of my boat and towed a total of 800 miles over some pretty rough roads. Not once did I have any tangled lines."
Christopher Karl Adams, Palatka, FL
John Hasler, Lake Bluff, IL
"I found The Rod Buddy™ perfect for storing down rigger rods in the boat. I've tried rubber bands and twist ties and they don't work."
"I used The Rod Buddy™ on my favorite Fenwick set up for trout. After a 5 hour drive...to and from my boat, it performed great."
Frank Latham, Welland, ON
Tom Case, Trabuco Canyon, CA
"The Rod Buddy™ was easy to use and eliminated those aggravating tangles while carrying my rods in the truck or in the boat storage are."
"It prevents line tangling and keeps rods together for transportation and storage...working exceptionally well on my boat where there is limited storage."
Jim Watt, Champaign, IL
Fredrick B. Hales, Denver, CO
"I can snap The Rod Buddy™ on my pole and go anywhere. For all you fellow fishing buddies, I highly recommend The Rod Buddy™"
"The Rod Buddy™ really helps to make life a little easier..no tangles, no damage to the rods, faster set up and breakdown time...really nice!"
Randy Girard, Jackson, WY
Gloria Meredith, Harrington, DE
"I'd rather be fishing instead of sorting out
a big mass of line and tackle."
Noel Wight, Winterset, IA


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